Sunday, January 22, 2006

Multimedia message

Multimedia message
Originally uploaded by andycorsham.


red one said...

Oh this one's beautiful. I'm resisting the impulse to stroke the screen to feel the grain. And only just.


Andy said...

Can you see the freaky cat?

red one said...

No. But there was a moment when I thought: it's all done with mirrors, oh wait, no it isn't...

Our ISPs are back to non-communication, by the way. Hotmail has just refused to deliver an email I sent in return to yours some days ago...

summary of what it said - feel free to delete this comment if you don't want it sitting on yr blog:

Sorry to hear your news, that really is shocking. I can only offer sympathy really. Dunno what to add.

Downshifting - good idea. I did that just over a year ago and apart from a temporary blip when I stupidly upshifted again for a couple of months, it's been great. I am skint but much happier. Hope it works for you too (not the skint part, obviously).


Andy said...

Thanks peeps.
