Wednesday, February 16, 2005

w or d s i n a l i n e

One of my favourite sentences:

"Global minky trousers in an autonomous chunky monkey trouserpress"

I didn't write this: one of my workmates did. It utilises some words that I overuse ridiculously (trousers, global, autonomous, trouserpress) and combines them with some other random euphemisms. I have it blu-tacked to my monitor. It's almost meaningless. But that string of words brings me back to reality when I'm getting stressed, and roots me back in a world where I can laugh and be stupid and be myself, and where work-related problems shrink back to their deserved perspective. It's my magic mantra. (Thanks, Cathy!)


Andy said...

I waited to hear that for ten years when I was at school. Not once. NOT ONCE. It's great to get off early, ain't it?

Andy said...

Hmm. So the contest is: school building, SELF, school building, SELF. Tough one.