Thursday, May 12, 2005

FICT_002: autumn

She needs people around her who love her. She needs to be with people who won't judge her. She needs to be around people who will let her be herself, and who will laugh with her, and at all her jokes, but who won't laugh at her, even when she's at her most ridiculous.

She can't stand to be judged, or laughed at. If people who don't know her make judgements or assumptions about her, it makes her incandescently angry: her ears and cheeks burn, and she can barely speak. It's as if these ignorant, baseless judgements destroy her, negate her existence, undermine all the depth and self-awareness that she's developed. They know nothing, and they have no right to make judgements about her. How dare they?

She must have people love her, sympathise with her, make allowances for her. It's what she does for other people all the time -- and she's always done it -- so why should it be so much to ask?

But there is nobody left who does any of these things for her, so she's leaving. All the people she loved, and all the people who were kind and tolerant, are gone, disappeared from her life.


The bus should be here soon.

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