Friday, May 06, 2005

stealing from yourself

another manky day at work. and why? oh, that old thing about feeling that you haven't done everything you should have done, and feeling that what you did do wasn't up to the quality that you'd want it to be.

leaving aside my usual self-scouring perfectionist schtick, i realise that i brought this on myself: at this time of my workplace's month, everyone is in a frenzy to complete their submissions to the body that decides which projects are goers, and which are duds. and everybody leaves it to the last minute, of course. which is fine, so long as you've gathered all your evidence and just need to assemble it (which was the case with me...i'm such a goodie-goodie). but...i had a cascade of people asking me for estimates/process maps of how my team would get their projects done, and i neglected my own work so that i could satisfy these peoples' need for information. which meant that i reached 12 o'clock today with shit-loads still to do, and no fecking hope of doing it all. frustrating: i can never say 'sorry, fuck off, i've got my own problems to solve'.

fucking messiah complex.

fuck, i'm in a bad mood. can you tell?


Anonymous said...

Well look, what you really have to understand is this... we - the New Labour Party - have no more territorial demands in Europe.. oh, what a giveaway.

Cheer up old fruit, it could havebeen Michael Howard instad of the Rt. Hon A. Blair!

Anonymous said...

That was me, sorry. Too stupid to identify myself.

Andy said...

spooky impression of Blair...the syntax is spot on. And...the. overdone. mannered. faux-sincere. pause. ezz. gulp.

Anonymous said...

Now look Gordon, there's a splendid idea for something new to tax... Syntax! Gordon? Gordon!!!

Oh, you are hopeless...

Andy said...

heh - funny! :-)

red one said...

Less work and more sunshiny leaves needed, I reckon. Hope your weekend's better than the week.

I am hoping to be awake for part of the next two days, which is not a very exciting ambition.

Grrr to overwork.

Andy said...

better work/sunshiney vegetation balance will be my mantra for the week. (i need to pull back, lest i get sucked into the self-perpetuating vortex of overwork.)

rain, sun and reflections will help...
