Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Almost wordless...

Today's doodles: a stylised pig, and the head of a sad monster...

And more wall/light obsessiveness. I like the verticals in this one:


red one said...

I really, really like the window, wall, light pic. Combination of light colour and shape is great - but I'm puzzled, because when I tried opening it up in other software to get a better look, it turned out to be portrait, not landscape. Was it shot as portrait and then got bloggered or have you carefully morphed it into something horizontal? I'm still rather attached to the landscape version, I must say...

Andy said...

Ta. The tedious technical explanation: I write my 'insert image' HTML by hand, and I size the images so that they fit into the text column and don't overlap into Blogger's right-column. Guess I just did that to this pic automatically, and luckily it did't distort it. I like it too. :0)