Sunday, April 24, 2005

as predicted

The blossom arrived on my parents' tree.


red one said...

Ah, I love blossom. Daft about it. I go round pulling the branches closer so I can more or less rub my face in it. Beautiful.

And there's a book or two on my blog for you.

Mags said...

how beautiful!

Andy said...

Yeah...I did that 'branch-pully-sniff' thing on Saturday. The hawthorns out the beg will be next, which will remind me of A la recherche du temps perdu, and I'll resolve to start reading it again...


I'll check out your book recommendations later. cheersch.

Andy said...

Grandparents' you got me thinking. Aroogah! Aroogah! -- nostalgia alert...

Andy said...

Fox...were you really in 1920s Kyoto? Are you like Aragorn in LoTR? (ie surprisingly ancient)