Saturday, March 05, 2005

A Confession

Back in the early 90s, when I was an (old) Labour party member, I voted for Tony Blair in the leadership election after John Smith died.

I'm sorry.



red one said...

You win the honesty prize, at least.

Like your blog, especially all the descriptions of light - I like watching the light too.


Andy said...

Cheers. I like yours too. It reminds me of when I used to be 'outwardly engaged' and passionate (as I think I might be becoming again). The last few years have been more inward, and insular, and (politically) hopeless. Your blog encourages me to believe again. (Your posting of that Blair/Paxman/audience pre-Iraq war interaction is very judicious...if depressing).

On Blair's leadership election, here's how my thinking went at the time..."Fresh. Young. New. Naive, but enthusiastic, and sincere. [!] If I vote for him as leader, with Margaret Beckett as deputy, she'll provide the Old Labour stability." I admit that my judgement was a tad flawed. I think labour have done good stuff (investment in the public services especially, and my elderly parents have noticed significant material benefits), almost in spite of Blair. I'm still a bit torn, I guess -- seeing Blair originally as a people-friendly Trojan horse, freighted with troops who delivered things for lots of people. (Great metaphor, huh?)