Sunday, March 20, 2005

In-car entertainment

I devised an hilarious travel game in the car yesterday, as I traversed the country via the Roman straights and lovely smooth curves of the A14. This game doesn't have a name yet, but as soon as a good one comes up I'll be trade marking it and getting legal acknowledgement of my intellectual property rights.

All you do is use the names on the road signs to create the cast and crew of a 1950s/60s British movie. If you come up with a suitable film title, all the better. Sadly, because my memory is going, and because I didn't have a dictaphone with me yesterday, I can't remember any of the sidesplitting combinations I assembled over the several hours I spent on the tarmac yesterday. However, the following list provides a flavour.

  • Milton Swavesey -- an avuncular 50 year old, in the role of Parson Roberts

  • Felix Stowe -- an up and coming matinee idol

  • Rampton Westwick -- an irrepressible rake

  • Ely Woodhurst -- that renowned northern comic and character actor

We laughed until we stopped.

Incidentally, it was quite difficult to find names with a female feel. I wonder why the place names are all so blokey and tweedy?


red one said...

I was trying tube stations but got stuck after Bethnal Greene met Warren Streete. And even then they looked better with an e on the end.

Andy said...

Those ees work wonders.

Parson Screene.

Wim Baalden (Dutch actor).

Wes Stackton

and his more formal brother,

E. Stackton