Saturday, March 05, 2005

Displacement Activity?

I really enjoy doing this blogging thing...thinking about what to write, or just launching in and seeing what old rubbish emerges. It's also good to have a sense that some people other than me might read and enjoy it. So that's all good.

On the down side, I wonder if this is (was) actually an unconscious displacement activity -- a relatively easy way of doing my creative thing, while keeping me from the discipline and focus that my novel needs if it is to keep moving. (Or even start moving again, given its current catatonia.)

That said, there's no reason why the two activities can't coexist: I just need to find -- no, make -- the time to fit in concentrated, regular work on the novel. I've got out of the habit, and I know full well that I do things best when I immerse myself in them and do them regularly.

So...I need to come up with a plan for how I'm going to make that happen, starting Sunday. (I think the essential thing is that I need to start living in the novel's mental world again...immersion, immersion, immersion...)


red one said...

Or you could cheat: blog away happily for six months or so, ralax, forget the novel, no stress. Then when you've got a nice long blog, you can edit out all the personal details relating to you, keep the descriptive bits, invent a very minimal character to walk between the scenes you lifted from your blog, and... hey presto! It's a novel. Called "Times of light and bike accidents," admittedly, but a novel all the same ;-)


Andy said...

Sounds like a plan! (Like the title, too...)

Although I might twist it into "Times of blight, and, like, accidents". (I think it needs to be narrated in a strong scouse accent. By Ricky Tomlinson.)